Geoport WordPress Documentation

Thank you for purchasing Geoport - Transport & Logistics WordPress Theme and choosing our theme for your web development needs. This documentation will provide you with all the details you need in order to use this WordPress theme. If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation, feel free to ask for help from our support team, all you have to do is sending an email to us:

If you like this theme, Please support us by rating us 5 stars

Thank you. Johanspond

Geoport Version - 3.0.4

1. About Geoport Theme

Geoport is best WordPress theme for logistic, transport and cargo companies Website. We looked over the last trends in web-design when creating this theme. Geoport optimized for any kind of logistic, transport, Transportation, commercial transport business. Road Transport, Ship Freights, Cargo Movement, air cargo services, trucking services, delivery, warehouse and and much more.

2. Install Theme

Download packages:

Purchase Geoport theme from ThemeForest then you can download our template package from there. Extract package includes all the files and folders of the theme. When done, you should see (zip file name can be changed from version to version).


Once the download is complete, unzip the file and you will see the following packages:

System Requirements:

When selecting a hosting service, you should check to see that these server requirements are provided and installed on their web servers:

Theme Installation :

There are 2 ways to install a WordPress theme. Both ways will allow you to easily upload and install the WordPress theme files for a quick and easy setup.

Installing Theme from the WordPress Dashboard


If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Screencast by Envato

Install theme via FTP

The second option how to install this theme would be the upload via FTP manager. It really doesn’t matter which of the two ways you choose, just choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

Known problems when installing the theme

1. The “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error is most common when you install or activate a new theme.

If you get an error saying that the stylesheet is missing, then you have uploaded the wrong folder. Please check that you are uploading the within the Theme Files folder. You have to unzip the package file that you download from Themeforest to find this.

3. Plugin Installation

Right after the theme is activated, a notification at the top of the screen will suggest continuing with the installation of the plugins recommended for getting the best of your theme. Installing process is very simple, you just need to click Begin installing plugins and you will be redirected to the plugin installation page where you can install Plugins. 

Plugins Using in Geoport theme

Step 1: Click ‘Begin installing plugins and select the plugins you need to install from the list.

Install Plugin

Step 2: Select all plugins then choose Install, Click Apply to install all plugins

Apply Plugin Installation

4. Install Demo Data

Navigate to Appearance->>Import Demo Data >> OneClick Demo

Demo Data

Demo Data

After you import this demo, you will have to setup the theme options separately. See the documentation next step for Geoport Options Setting

# Manually Import Geoport Options Data

Navigate to Geoport Options->>Backup >> then paste your theme options data in the blog & click Import button.

Geoport Options data location >> go to download package >> sample >> data folder then open the (options.txt) file any editor. just copy all code and import theme options data.

Option Demo Data

Set Up Menu

1. Creating your menu

Create Menu

2. Adding pages to your menu

Page Menu

Your custom menu has now been saved.

The Screen Options allow you to choose which items you can use to add to a menu. Certain items, like Posts or Portfolios are hidden by default. The Screen Options are located in the top right corner of your WordPress Dashboard.

screen options

5. Theme Configuration

Upload Favicon, Logo and Enable/Disable Preloader.

You can upload your logo image in the Geoport Options. If the logo is not uploaded, then your site name will be used. Please, follow the steps below to upload your logo:

Theme Option

Breadcrumb Settings

Theme Option

Switcher Settings

Navigate to your Dashboard -> Geoport Options -> General Settings -> Switcher Settings:
Here, you can configure the Geoport Preloader Details and Scroll to Top Button Settings for your website.

Theme Option

# Set a page as Home Page

Set Homepage

6. Set Up Home Page

You can quickly build a home page using Elementor for WordPress that is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content. You will be able to take full control over your WordPress site, build any layout you can imagine – no programming knowledge required

From your Dashboard Admin Navigate to Pages

# How to use Elementor Page Builder

Have you ever used Elementor Page Builder? Please follow that guide first: Elementor Page Builder Guide

Watch video about Elementor

1. Add and modify Row Layout

Step 1 - Go to your page / post, first activate the backend editor and click Edit with Elementor

Step 2 - You will see all element in left sidebar, please choose element that you want to use or you will see button "Add New Section" ,"Add Template" , please click to button to add element.

Step 3 - To change the Row layout ( number of columns ) you need to click button content will display in leftsidebar.

2. Edit Element

Click on the Edit This Element (pencil icon) to Edit the Row element , when you click to button all content will display in left sidebar follow you can change .

3. Remove Element

Trash Box Icon - To Remove Row, Column or Module you need to click the Trash Box icon.

4. Add Element

Trash Box Icon - To Add Row, Column , please click to add icon.

# Set Up Blog Page

1. Create the blog post

Create Post

2. Manage Blog Posts

Navigate to the Posts section from the left-hand menu in your WordPress Dashboard. Create and customize your blog posts content as needed.

Manage Post

# Blog Posts Widget:

# You can manage blog posts options through the Elementor widget settings. However, if you need to update blog posts details such as the image, title, description, Categories, tags, and more, please navigate to the Posts section from the left-hand menu in your WordPress Dashboard. From there, you can create and customize the blog posts content as needed.

Blog Posts

# Create New Page

Create New Page with Elementor Page Builder

Choose header layout

# Create Page Without Sidebar:

Create New Page without Sidebar

Choose header layout

Choose page header Layout

Choose header layout

# Blog Global Configure

Blog Global

# Create Service Item

Step 1: Navigate to the Service section from the left-hand menu in your WordPress Dashboard. Create and customize your service posts content as needed.

Create Service Item

From your admin Dashboard navigate to: Geoport Options > Service Page Settings

Create Service Item

# Create journeys

Step 1: Go to journeys from Dashboard then create content of journeys

Create journeys

# Create Team Member

Step 1: Navigate to Team in your WordPress Dashboard. Create and customize your team member content as needed.

Create Team

# Team Member Widgets:

# You can manage team member options through the Elementor widget settings. However, if you need to update team member details such as the image, name, description, and more, please navigate to the Team section in your WordPress Dashboard. From there, you can create and customize the team member content as needed.

Create Team

# Create Testimonial

Step 1: Go to Testimonial from Dashboard then create content of Testimonial

Create Testimonial

# Create Contact Tab

Step 1: Navigate to Contact Tab in your WordPress Dashboard. Create and customize your Contact Tab content as needed.

Create Contact Tab

# Contact Tab Widgets:

# You can manage Contact Tab options through the Elementor widget settings. However, if you need to update Contact Tab details such as the icon,office address, contact information, Locations, and more, please navigate to the Contact Tab in your WordPress Dashboard. From there, you can create and customize the Contact Tab content as needed.

Contact Tab

# Create Contact Page

1. Create Contact Form.

Make sure you install and active Contact Form 7 plugin to continue reading.


Contact email settings

7. Geoport Options

Geoport Theme use Customizer provides an ultra-effective and intuitive way to customize theme layout & setting with real-time preview. Bring all of settings to customizer, you do not need to using another theme option anymore. To access Customizer, go to your admin Dashboard Navigate to Admin >> Geoport Options

Geoport Options

Go to WordPress admin panel and navigate to Geoport Options → Typography Settings

Theme Base Color:

Go to WordPress admin panel and navigate to Geoport Options → Footer Settings

8. FAQs

# How to update Theme

1.Update Theme via WordPress

Updating the theme via WordPress is very similar to the install process via WordPress. Make sure you had backup all of your customization in our theme. Follow the steps below to update your theme via WordPress:

update themes

2.Update theme via FTP

Updating the theme via FTP is very similar to the install process via FTP. Follow the steps below to update your theme via FTP:

# How to create Child Theme

What is a Child Theme?

A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the best, safest, and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.

Why use a Child Theme?

if you modify an existing theme and it is updated, your changes will be lost. With a child theme, you can update the parent theme (which might be important for security or functionality) and still keep your changes. It’s a great way to get started if you are just learning WordPress theme development.

You need to use a Child Theme only if you are making code customizations.

Thanks for reading!